How to stand in an election for the NHA Party
Standing in elections is a vital part of the National Health Action Party's campaign for a healthy NHS and a new form of politics. We take elections seriously and we are careful to support the right candidate in the right seat at the right time. We are always looking for potential candidates for forthcoming elections, so please don't hesitate to contact us if you're interested.
Applying to stand for us
If you'd like to stand in an election for the NHA Party, you will need to:
- meet the Electoral Commission criteria to stand in a General Election (PDF) or Local Election (PDF),
- decide which election and which constituency/ward you wish to stand in,
- make sure you have a plan to organise local support for your campaign.
If you've reviewed the above points and wish to stand for us, we ask that you:
- sign up as a full party member,
- obtain a Basic Disclosure Certificate from Disclosure Scotland (this covers the entire UK),
- contact us with a CV and a personal statement explaining why you'd like to stand,
What happens once you've applied?
Once we've received your application to stand in an election, we will review the documents you have provided. We will look at the electoral history and circumstances of the constituency/ward you have chosen to stand in, and we will make an assessment as to whether the party ought to stand a candidate in that or a neighbouring seat. If we agree that the party should stand a candidate, we will normally arrange a face-to-face meeting with you to further discuss your candidacy.
If you are selected as a candidate, we will ask you to review and sign our Candidate Policy (PDF).
What are my responsibilities as a candidate?
These are covered in detail in the Candidate Policy (PDF) and include:
- Appointing an election agent (you may act as your own, if you wish),
- Submitting your nomination papers (with support from our Nominating Officer),
- Submitting returns to our Treasurer for donations received and expenditures made,
- Organising the local campaign effort (with advice and support from our elections team).
You should also be familiar with our Party Constitution and our policies.
What support can I expect?
The party will normally commit to funding a run of up to 5,000 leaflets, depending on the size of the electorate in your constituency or ward. We will also normally pay election deposits as appropriate. Beyond these specific commitments we may be able to provide further materials, dependent on available funds.
All our candidates benefit from the support of our elections team, who will provide advice and support regarding press coverage, social media messaging, and local campaign coordination.