About our party


The National Health Action Party was founded on the principles of public service and accountable democracy. We believe our public services should reflect our sense of national identity and social cohesion. They should be publicly owned, publicly delivered, and publicly accountable.

The National Health Action Party is a registered political party in the UK. We formed in May 2012 in response to the Health & Social Care Act which effectively ended the existence of the NHS as a nationalised, publicly-provided service. Despite focusing on health, we have a range of policies in areas affecting health, such as housing, education, transport, and women's equality. We call for a fairer economy and for political reform. We have put forward candidates at several national elections, including the 2014 European Elections and the 2015 and 2017 General Elections.

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Our Core Aims

  • To campaign on the social determinants of health, for improved public health and for a healthier society.
  • To campaign for a high quality, publicly funded, publicly provided and publicly accountable NHS which will entail:
    • renationalisation in order to regain a universal and comprehensive National Health Service,
    • opposition to privatisation, especially to profit-based companies,
    • adequate funding and staffing for the NHS, so as to achieve optimal cost effective health and social care
  • To campaign for our positive vision for the NHS and social care.
  • To work towards a fairer, more accountable political system with greater democratic involvement of the people, especially by making evidence-based information easily accessible to all.
  • To call for greater investment in public services, and campaign against the privatisation of public services and government austerity policies.