People from across the UK have joined the National Health Action Party to support our efforts to save the NHS, create a fairer economy, and reshape British politics.
As a member, you will play a vital role in our party. We’ll invite you to our online and campaign events, and you can join our campaigns in your local area.
Your membership fees will directly support our work, from printing posters to standing candidates in local elections.
We offer two membership types:
As a full Member, you will be able to have a say in our policies and shape the direction of the party.
Pay a membership rate that reflects earnings.
Are subscribed to our mailing list.
Can volunteer with us.
Have full voting and speaking rights at our conferences.
Can propose and amend motions at our conferences.
Can vote in and be nominated for NEC elections.
Click here to Join as a full Member
Do you want to pay reduced rates, or are you already a member of another party? If so, you might want to join the National Health Action Party as an Associate Member.
Pay a reduced membership rate.
Can be members of another political party.
Are subscribed to our mailing list.
Can volunteer with us.
Can speak at our AGM.
Cannot vote at our AGM, be nominated for election at our AGM, or propose / amend motions at our conferences.
Click here to Join as an Associate Member
To change or cancel your membership, please get in touch at [email protected]