Proof of NHS Privatisation
Proof of NHS Privatisation
Outsourcing giant Capita has won a £1bn contract to supply administrative support to the NHS:
Private firms won £3.54bn of £9.628bn worth of deals awarded in England in 2014 – a win rate of 36.8%.
Private firms have been winning 40% of contracts CCGs have put out to tender, worth a total of £2.3bn, only slightly fewer than the 41% awarded to NHS bodies.
A third of NHS contracts have gone to the private sector since this government's NHS reorganisation kicked in last year:
A study by Oxford Economics show outsourcing has almost doubled between 2010 to 2013, from £6.9bn to £12.2bn:
NHS spends £57million on private ambulance services, up 156% under Tories, due to chronic shortage of paramedics:
Private healthcare companies are expecting to see an upturn in business as the NHS continues to see its budget and are optimistic Tories will speed up expansion of private sector role in NHS:
Private firms are on course to net £9bn of NHS contracts:
More hospitals could be privately operated in NHS shakeup, says review.
A contract worth up £5 billion is being advertised by NHS England to provide commissioning support services (the bodies who handle the administration and purchasing of services by local CCGs). An arms manufacturer, an Indian call centre company, a Japanese electronics giant and disgraced outsourcing companies G4S and Serco are among those interested in bidding:
Proof of NHS sell-off: over £10bn of NHS funding used to purchase healthcare in the past year from private and independent providers such as Virgin and CareUK and is rising by £1bn per year:
£13bn in new NHS contracts put out to tender in a year:
£1.2bn of NHS contracts to run front-line cancer services + care of terminally ill have been put out to tender in Stafforshire & Stoke-on-Trent:
Research by Bain Consultancy for the FT reveals £5.8bn of NHS work is currently being advertised to the private sector and the number of live tenders is up 14 per cent on the same period last year:
NHS spending has doubled on private ambulances used for 999 calls:
Private companies like Serco, Virgin and G4S are running NHS services but hide behind the NHS logo:
Almost 30% of clinical commissioning groups have opened up, or are opening up, services to competition despite government claims this wouldn’t happen:
84% of the public say the NHS should be run in the public sector. Only 13% of Conservative voters say the NHS should be run privately:
Virgin Care recently won contracts worth £500m to provide 30 primary care services across England, including GP practices, GP out-of-hours services, walk-in centres, urgent care centres and minor injury units . It runs 230 NHS and social care services while employing 5,500 people:
Virgin Care is one of at least 10 private health firms seeking state-funded contracts whose company structures include tax havens:
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